Xiaomi Redmi Note 12T Pro

If you want to download google camera for Xiaomi Redmi Note 12T Pro, you are in the right place. We know that you can’t wait to take better photos on your Xiaomi Redmi Note 12T Pro phones with Google Camera Port. Follow the instructions below to install Xiaomi Redmi Note 12T Pro Gcam Camera.

Xiaomi Redmi Note 12T Pro

How Do I Install Gcam Google Camera?
In order to install Gcam on your phone, we need the ‘Gcam – Google Camera Port‘ application in the Play Store.


Since Google camera is not a single application and there is a separate mode for each phone, the ‘Gcam – Google Camera Port‘ application helps us to install the most suitable GCAM for our phone model.

Now that we have downloaded the ‘Gcam – Google Camera Port‘ application mentioned above to our phone, we can now install GCAM (Google Camera) on our phone as stated below.


1- Open the ‘Gcam – Google Camera Port‘ application that we downloaded from the Play Store.

2- We choose our phone brand. (Example: I chose xiaomi because my phone brand is xiaomi.)

3- We choose our phone model. (Example: My phone model is Xiaomi 12/Pro, so I chose Xiaomi 12/Pro.)

4- I download any of the recommended GCAM apk files for my phone. (If the first apk doesn`t work, don`t panic and try the other apk.)


5- I install the downloaded Gcam apk on my phone. (that`s all)

Result: Yes, now we have successfully installed Gcam (Google camera) on our phone. We can enjoy GCAM by restarting our phone.


If you want to install google camera (GCAM APK) for phone, you are in the right place.

By gcamapk

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